^++^ Delsin 2011 Up Online Megavideo

Watch Delsin online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch Delsin cinema online for free. The cinema Delsin has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this cinema online. Watch this on the site. It was one of the bloodiest crimes in the history of Tampa, Fl. In July 2009, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Gerard Martinez walked into a Tampa Bay museum with a gun and killed 10 people - men, women and children - before turning the gun on himself. In the days leading up to the murders, he was making a documentary on what had become his obsession: Proving the existence of Mon Protecteur, a mythical French super hero. This documentary uses his footage, police evidence and interviews with his friends, family, colleagues, historians and others to paint a clear picture of the obsession that drove Martinez to the edge and to try to figure out if Martinez actually found the mythical hero or if he simply found a con man.

Year: 2011
Genre :
Runtime: 97 minutes
Release Date: 2011-11-01
Actors :

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